Emerge refreshed and ready for the day

Are you looking to enjoy a trip to Tampa that gives you more than a hotel experience?

Then you will love staying aboard Vanguard for your trip.

Imagine waking up to open your eyes and see glistening blue waters right outside your cabin windows.

You’re feeling refreshed and rested after a great night’s sleep aboard Vanguard. You make your way to the Master head, where there are double-sinks, jacuzzi style tub, and ample amount of room to get ready.

You head upstairs and emerge to the galley, where you make your favorite cup of coffee – just the way you like it. Grabbing your newspaper for the day, you step outside to and see Tampa Bay awakening.

You’re right downtown, and you settle yourself comfortably on the salon deck with your cup of coffee. You have a full day ahead of exploring Tampa Bay with your loved ones and think to yourself it doesn’t get better than this.

Price: $1,600* per night

More than a hotel experience.

Your overnight stay is unlike any traditional hotel experience, with exceptional comfort. Video the video to the right to have a virtual look of Vanguard.

United States Coast Guard Regulations require our Captain remain on the vessel while guests are onboard. The Captain utilizes a private entrance and crew quarters to ensure privacy. However, you may see the Captain inspecting the vessel or accessing the shared refrigerator.

Make it stand out.


Bedrooms: 4

Sleeps: 8

Twin Berths

double · twin/ single (2)

Twin Berths

twin/ single (2)

VIP Room

Queen Bed


Queen Bed



  • Internet
  • Air Conditioning
  • TV
  • Satellite or cable
  • Parking
  • No Smoking
  • Heater